Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Funding Request By Carlsbad VIP Goes To City Council Tonight

The following prepared remarks were presented by Craig Kirk, board member of the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership, before the Carlsbad City Council during the course of its annual budget deliberation. At the conclusion of Kirk's three-minute statement, Council was presented with four options by staff to consider. However, before any decision can be made on the options offered, Council Members want more information about the organization's tax status and how, if proposed, funds would be administered if a temporary fiduciary agent was employed while the Carlsbad VIP awaits approval of its filing as a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

It is anticipated that the Carlsbad VIP board will soon meet to compile additional information that will likely satisfy requests by Council Members.

June 24, 2008
CVIP address to the City Council
- Follow-up Request for Funding -

Good evening Mayor Lewis and honorable City Council members. My name is Craig Kirk, I reside at 1140 Camino del Sol Circle. I am here this evening as a member of our community and as a member of the BOARD OF DIRECTOR for the CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP in support of our request for seed funding presented to the city council at the meeting of April 22nd.

I would first like to acknowledge the extensive contributions and commitment of the City of Carlsbad to the Village over the last 25 plus years:
From the development of the Carlsbad Inn
- The Village Fair
- The creation of public parking areas
- Streetscape infrastructure projects
- The development of ‘The Village By The Sea’
- Redevelopment of the Lutheran Home
- Mixed use property on State Street
- Development of the Roosevelt Center
- Façade Improvements
- Beautification Projects
- Senior Care and Affordable Housing.

In Village Public Projects alone you have committed approximately $26 million to date. Since that time the private investment has been approximately 10 fold of the city’s investment.

You have taken the Village from the seedy bars and rundown establishments of the early 80s to the assortment of shops, businesses and restaurants that we have today.

The goal of the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership is to see those investments prosper and to see the Village flourish.
Over time, a short term investment in the CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP will return long term revenues to the City through increased property values and sales tax revenues. This is especially important given the sun setting of Redevelopment in 2009. The excellent work that the city had done to-date needs to continue. An investment in the in the CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP is an investment in the future of Village.

At the City Council meeting of April 22nd the CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP requested $500,000 over a 3-year period for operating expenses, promotions costs and salaries. We have carefully considering the mayor’s constructive feedback of ‘helping ourselves’ and the council’s overall input from the meeting. We are acting on those recommendations by seeking to attain very low cost or free office space and furnishings, donated office equipment (computer hardware and software), donated professional services and holding the headcount to one FTE, the Executive Director, until such time that our business and revenues necessitate the addition of administrative support.

We cannot start-up the organization without the support of the city’s and thecity’s seed money.Our goal is to move as quickly as possible to a self-funded business model. Our research of other like organizations coupled with our best effort estimate is that it will take 3 years to reach that goal. That being said we are also evaluating opportunities to advance that timeline by leveraging other organizations in the Village.

2008 objectives:
- Implementing a ‘Preferred Shopping Card’ program to draw tourists into the Village,
- Using the talents of some our marquee retailers to educate other Village retailers on ‘window merchandising, buying and product placement’
- Working with Village neighborhoods to preserve and promote
- Working with the City and other downtown organizations on programs that stimulating economic development of our community

The CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP Board of Directors is a dedicated team of volunteers: some with a vested interest in the success of the PARTNERSHIP and some with a vested interest in the success of our community, like myself. In either case, the city and citizens of Carlsbad have much to gain by success of the CARLSBAD VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIP. Our board meetings are open to the public and additional information about the Carlsbad VIP can be found at:
Thank you for your time this evening.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Village Development Seminar Draws Wide Business Interests

The City of Carlsbad, together with the U.S. Small Business Administration, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership, and the Carlsbad Village Business Association, sponsored the first Village Business Development Seminar at the Carlsbad Village Theater.

Although a relatively small number of individuals came to learn about how to do business in the Village, presentations were rich in content. Debbie Fountain, Housing & Redevelopment Director for the City of Carlsbad welcomed the audience and gave a comprehensive overview of all things business in the Village. When the 90-minute seminar ended, many of those who came remained to ask further questions of the presenters. All in all, it was a great opportunity, and we hope that this will only be the first of many such opportunities in for those interested in bringing their business (or expanding existing businesses) in the Village!

Carlsbad City's Mayor Pro Tem, Ann Kulchin, kicked-off the morning with a few comments and pointed observations about the Village and the City's fiscal standing.

Andrea Korogi, Director of Small Business Development for the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, went through a check-list of 10 critical areas that should be considered during the initial stage of planning to start a business.

Fairen Del owner, Irina Rachow, shares some of her secrets to success, conveying both passion for her business and commitment to the customers who stop to shop at her store.

Carlsbad Village Business Association Executive Director, Robin Young, highlights her organization and what they can do to assist businesses in the Village.

In addition to those mentioned, the audience also heard from Maria Hughes, Business Development Specialist for the U.S. Small Business Association; Richard Zall, owner of Ragz; Julie Baker, president of the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Carlsbad VIP Gives Nod to Baker, Young

The Carlsbad VIP Board of Directors elected Julie Baker to succeed Frank Hutchins as President, and Robin Young, Exectuive Director for the Carlsbad Village Business Association, as Vice President.

Congratulations, ladies!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Grant Request Now Before San Diego Board of Supervisors for Village Preferred Shopper Card Program

The following prepared remarks were given by Julie Baker, acting president of the Carlsbad VIP, before the San Diego County Board of Supervisors on Monday morning, June 9. The VIP is requesting $35,000 through the County Enhancement Grant Program to support a discount shopper card initiative for businesses within the Village of Carlsbad.

Good morning, Chairman Cox and members of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.

My name is Julie Baker, and I come before you today representing the members of the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership.

Our newly created organization is a first-time applicant under this process, and what we have proposed is a program that will provide direct and immediate economic stimulus to businesses located in the Village of Carlsbad.

With concerns about where the economy is headed, The Carlsbad Village Preferred Shopper Program will allow participating businesses to provide significant point of purchase discounts to patrons who use the preferred shopper card.

We fully anticipate that, with funding from the County, at least fifty percent of qualified businesses will participate.

The program is simple. Guests at each of Carlsbad’s thirty-seven hotels will receive a card that will entitle them to a minimum of fifteen percent savings on items purchased.

Participating merchants will have a window decal that will identify their place of business as one that honors the card.

You may be asking, “Why should we fund this program?”

My answer is simple: Doing so creates added commerce that not only sustains jobs, but provides for job growth in our area, as well.

Also, people with jobs provide the buying power that is so essential to a healthy County economy, which we all support.

In short, we know that creating and keeping jobs is good for all of us, and through this Shopper Program, we believe that increased revenue from the point of purchase is the key to maintaining a healthy community.

Your support will provide our young organization with the very first program that will give us the traction needed to shore up funding from the City of Carlsbad and eventually, from the very merchants we’re advocating for.

Therefore, whatever financial assistance you can provide the Carlsbad VIP in this first year request for funding will be greatly appreciated by local property and business owners as well as residents in the Village.

On behalf of the Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership, thank you.

Julie Baker, at the podium, presents the Village Shopper Card program to the San Diego County Board of Supevisors