Frank Hutchins explains the VIP's mission to the Carlsbad City Council.
Mayor Lewis, together with Council Members Ann Kulchin and Julie Nygaard, listen to the ten minute presentation by the Carlsbad VIP. Robin Young, Executive Director of the Carlsbad Village Business Association, provides support in Hutchins' presentation.
Carlsbad resident and former Carlsbad City Planning Commissioner, Jeff Segall, speaks in support of the Carlsbad VIP. While as Chairman of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, Segall initiated the Downtown Enhancement Task Force, which helped lead the way for the eventual creation of the Carlsbad VIP.
Michael Burg, staff writer for the San Diego Union-Tribune, provided coverage on the evening's presentation, "Downtown business group wants $500,000 'seed money' from city."
(Council Members Matt Hall and Mark Packard voluntarily recused themselves from the presentation and discussion, due to property interests each has in the Village.)